The Nurture Place is a non-profit organization located in Central Florida that empowers individuals to seek wholeness and healing. Our comprehensive mental health and family support programs open up opportunities for nurture, growth, and connection.
Our team of trained and trauma-informed professionals believes in fostering a brighter future for Central Florida’s families by equipping children, teens, and parents with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to create stronger relationships. The Nurture Place creates a safe space for individuals to overcome their unique challenges.
for children
Our team of skilled, trauma-informed counselors are here to help Central Florida families overcome adversity and build resilience through supportive relationships.
We offer personalized care for children (ages 0-12) and youth (ages 13 and up) in their journey toward recovery and growth.
Our therapy approaches are customized, developmentally appropriate, and backed by research. We utilize Parent-Child Therapy, Play Therapy, and Family Therapy to customize care and ensure the most effective treatment for every family.
Our trauma-informed counselors offer personalized support for families and children (ages 0-12), youth (ages 13+),
and adults.
Our trauma-informed mental health coach offers personalized support for youth (ages 13+), and adults who seek to improve the trajectory of their life, increase confidence and self-esteem, and manage stress
and anxiety.
Students build resilience, confidence, and skills for academic success under the guidance of licensed professionals.
Our Summer camps offer a week-long, trauma-informed summer program for children ages 4-12. Our Nurture Camp is a therapeutic camp supporting children's social-emotional health in a safe environment. In addition, othere Summer camps are offered to meet children’s needs and effectively boost confidence and enhance skills during the Summer months.
We offer trauma-informed counseling, and resources for children and families who have experienced or are experiencing separation or divorce in their family. Including a 6-week group meets weekly with licensed therapists to support children during the difficult family transition.
for individuals
Our team of skilled, trauma-informed counselors are here to help Central Florida families overcome adversity and build resilience through supportive relationships.
We offer personalized care for children (ages 0-12) and youth (ages 13 and up) in their journey toward recovery and growth.
Our therapy approaches are customized, developmentally appropriate, and backed by research. We utilize Parent-Child Therapy, Play Therapy, and Family Therapy to customize care and ensure the most effective treatment for every family.
A cherished time dedicated to revitalization. Engage in mindful moments, gentle movement, and multi-sensory experiences. Craft your unique journey, whether through meditation, chair massages, enriching yoga, and beyond. Embrace new connections, glean wisdom from our team, and uncover a haven for your personal rejuvenation.
Through nurturing connections, we can embrace various challenges with unwavering resilience and inner strength. With our counseling service, a compassionate and experienced team of skilled counselors are here to offer both individual and family support, guiding you towards healing and empowerment on your journey of growth.
Our Nurture & Thrive Program is tailored to support young adults in transitional living. As they navigate the challenges of post-foster care life, we offer companionship, skill-sharing, and resource connections. Whether pursuing education, work, or their G.E.D., these individuals are never alone in their journey towards independence.
for families
Our family programs focus on trauma-informed care designed to help you navigate the unique challenges that arise when caring for children who have experienced trauma and adversity. These classes provide personalized support to help parents, caregivers, and children build strong family connections, allowing for development and growth.
The Nurture Place is committed to empowering parents and caregivers with the tools and support they need to help their children heal and flourish.
The Nurture Place supports adoptive and foster parents with trauma-informed care along with attachment and adoption competency programs.
Our 6-week course supports parents in understanding their child’s brain development and outside influences, which builds stronger connections and relationships.
Nosotros ofrecemos consejería para niños, adolescentes, y familias. Con relaciones de apoyo, la adversidad de todo tipo puede afrontarse con resiliencia y fortaleza.
Terapia de padres e hijos, terapia de juego y terapia familiar e individualizada.
for organizations
Our team offers conference-style training sessions that equip professionals and mentors with the tools needed to identify trauma and its effects, disarm fear, optimize connections, and facilitate healing in relationships. We believe these tools are essential for creating a safe space for our families.
Each training session seeks to understand trauma and covers strategies with evidence-based curricula to increase empathy in classrooms, preschools, and other organizations.
Training sessions are taught in collaboration with trained educational professionals, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and a TBRI Practitioner. This holistic, trauma-informed approach ensures participants can create a safe and connected environment in their organization and the greater Central Florida community.
Ideal for educational professionals eager to learn how to identify trauma and its effects on students. Participants will learn how to create a safe and playful environment where students can thrive.
The Growing Brain is a specific training for childcare providers.
Developed for non-profit volunteers and staff committed to learning how to disarm fear, optimize healthy realtionships with clients, and build solid and safe foundations for providing services to those you serve.
En Español
The Nurture Place ofrece servicios de consejería y orientación, completamente en español, con el propósito de ayudar a niños, adolescentes, familias y parejas a desarrollar habilidades que les permitan ser personas responsables, independientes y motivadas en alcanzar sus metas. Creemos que todos los PADRES son poderosos agentes de cambio en las vidas de sus hijos y comunidades. Lideran el camino hacia resultados positivos para sus hijos.