Nurtured Trainings
A Trauma-Informed approach
Nurtured Trainings: A Trauma-Informed Approach. The Nurture Place envisions a trauma-informed community where we go from thinking "what is wrong with you?" to "what happened to you?". Increasing empathy in the classroom, preschools, and organizations. Professionals and mentors will learn how to identify trauma and its effects, how to disarm fear, optimize connection, and ultimately facilitate healing in relationships. Our conference style trainings are adapted and developed by The Nurture Place. Topics covered during this training are adapted from evidence-based curricula in collaboration with trained education professionals, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and a TBRI Practitioner.
Participants will be encouraged to envision what a trauma-informed environment looks like, through hands-on activities, by problem solving case studies through a trauma-informed lens, and through learning how to create a safe and connected environment.
a Nurtured Classroom
A Nurtured Classroom: A Trauma-Informed Classroom, where education professionals will learn how to identify trauma and its effects on students, how to disarm fear, optimize learning, and ultimately facilitate healing for vulnerable children. This conference style training is adapted and developed by The Nurture Place and created specifically for educators, administrators, and school professionals. Topics covered during this training are adapted from evidence-based curricula in collaboration with trained education professionals, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and a TBRI Practitioner.
Participants will be encouraged to envision what a trauma-informed classroom looks like, through hands-on activities, by problem solving case studies through a trauma-informed lens, and through learning how to create a safe and playful environment where students thrive. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how trauma and adversity derails students’ growth and development, and will be better equipped to meet the needs of all students in their care.
What was one new take-away you learned that you will use in your classroom this year?
"To be very mindful of our own triggers & to remember to think about what happened to the child, & not what's wrong with them." Elementary Teacher
"Using more daily affirmations. Mindful moments. Honestly everything was very helpful and useful for this upcoming school year." Elementary Teacher
"Change the way I interact with students. Connection before curriculum" Elementary Teacher
a Nurtured mentor
A Nurtured Mentor: A Trauma-Informed training for all who mentor, mentoring organizations need the expertise and training to work with others. Mentors will learn how to identify trauma and its effects on students, how to disarm fear, optimize connection, and ultimately facilitate healing. This training is adapted and developed by The Nurture Place and created specifically for mentors. Topics covered during this training are adapted from evidence-based curricula in collaboration with trained education professionals, Licensed Clinical Social Workers and Licensed Mental Health Counselors, and a TBRI Practitioner.
"I didn’t know what Complex Developmental Trauma was before this training. Knowing this creates a deeper level of understanding and compassion for those who have been traumatized at an early age. I will keep this in mind when working with those who've experienced trauma." Mentor
a Nurtured non-profit
The non-profit sector is full of opportunities to serve our communities. The opportunity to serve our individuals well is dependent on our understanding of how to best serve diverse populations. Our trauma informed training will help further empower each non-profit staff and volunteer with the tools needed to serve with passion and knowledge. This training was specifically developed for non-profits volunteers and staff on learning how to disarm fear, optimize healthy relationships with clients, and build solid and safe foundations for providing services to those you serve.
"I learned a lot about children who have gone through a traumatic experience." Preschool Teacher
"Proximity reassures student of security, makes them feel safe." Preschool Teacher
"We are more than babysitters and we play a major role in our students' lives." Preschool Teacher